One thought on “Testimonials

  1. Hello to everybody! Welcome to this page that I wanted to dedicate to you, my friends and students, so that you can help other people who would like to join my course, to understand that is the right choice for them. Your feedback will be very much appreciated. Go ahead and leave your comment!

    1. Ciao a tutti!!!!
      If you want to learn Italian, or renew your comprehension and conversation skills and have fun while you are doing it, Vilma is your teacher! She is knowledgeable, firm and friendly….I have learned and laughed all at the same time. I am so grateful for meeting and getting to know Vilma during the many trips that I have made to Florence from the USA. She is a great teacher and human being….She is a treasure!
      Ronnie Boehm

  2. When I met Vilma I had studied Italian for several years. I had taken evening classes where I had learned grammar, reading, translating, a bit of writing, etc. But, I had never been asked to spend much time speaking Italian. It was quite frustrating. Fortunately, Vilma´s one hour per week private FaceTime lessons have changed that. Vilma´s method of teaching means that the full hour is devoted to speaking only Italian. It is hard. But, after a few months of these lessons I feel much more confident. And this while also having lots of fun. Vilma´s sense of humor and diligence of correcting mistakes have been invaluable to me. I strongly recommend her as a teacher of Italian if you really want to be able to speak this beautiful language.

  3. Vilma has become a treasured and appreciated friend over the past years as I visited and painted in Tuscany. She was always such a warm, friendly, happy, and capable presence at the family hotel where I would stay. Many of my visits were on my own, so it was especially nice to have Vilma able and willing to communicate with me and help me in English. She is so easy to be with and loves to laugh! And on top of that, she is incredibly efficient and capable and smart! Vilma helped me with many of the arrangements I needed to make for the recent Painting Workshop I created and led in Tuscany. She was so generous with her time and advice and smoothed the way for me many times. She also designed and orchestrated a fantastic day of cooking and painting at a private small farm. My students and I had such an authentic and memorable time and Vilma made sure every detail was in order and went smoothly.
    Vilma is a treasure in every way!

  4. Hello Vilma xo I started lessons with Vilma a few months ago and needed to stop for a while, but I loved every minute, and I will be back 🙂

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