Go Italian Course

Have fun and learn Italian online!


Many of us have dreamed of learning a second language, but we have always been too busy, with jobs, with family, and with little time to travel.
Now is the perfect moment to learn Italian, at home!

I offer an hour or more of full immersion in the Italian language.  We will interact with one another as if in a friendly conversation— laughter included.

I stress the importance of the spoken language, and you will start immediately to speak in Italian, whether you are a beginner or at an advanced level. We can personalize your lessons according to your specific needs. You will learn authentic Italian while conversing about the Italian language, art, history, fashion, food and more. I will provide all the materials for our lessons via e-mail. I can even help you organize your next trip to Italy!

You can book into a group class; for instance, several friends or family members can work together. Or you can schedule a one-on-one lesson with me. Our classes will be held online using FaceTime, Zoom, Skype or Google hangouts meet.

To receive more information, or to book a FREE TRIAL LESSON, please complete the contact form here.

Now is the time to have fun learning Italian! Together we can make it happen!

Una lingua diversa è una diversa visione della vita.

Federico Fellini
Vi aspetto!
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